Depth of Field Photos
Picture #1: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Close ball.
Picture #2: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Middle Ball.
Picture #3: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Far ball.
Action/Motion Shots
Picture #1: Aperture F/4.5, Shutter Speed 1/200.
Picture #2: Aperture F/4.0, Shutter Speed 1/250.
Picture #3: Aperture F/3.8, Shutter Speed 1/320.
Picture #4: Aperture F/4.5, Shutter Speed 1/640.
Portraits and depth of field.
Picture #1: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Eyes.
Picture #2: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Nose.
Picture #3: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Ear.
Picture #4: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Eyes.
Picture #5: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Mouth
Picture #6: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Ear.
Extra photos using depth of field techniques
Aperture F/5.6, shutter speed 1/640
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