Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chapter Four Shooting Assignment

Rule # 1: Strong Center of Interest

The main subject is the city map the the right, as is the focus point. Shutter speed 1/400 Exposure F/10.0. Additional rule(s): #2, Rule of thirds.

Rule # 2: Rule of Thirds

The main subject is the bridge to the right, as is the focus point. Shutter speed: 1/500 Exposure: F/11.0. I didn't really see any other rules here, but I may have missed em'...

Rule # 3: Different Angles

The main Subject is the flower, as is the focus point. Shutter speed: 1/500 Exposure: F/11.0. Additional rule(s:)#2, Rule of Thirds.

Rule # 4: Focus Lines

The main subject is the city hall in the middle, the focus point is a little closer than that, not sure where it is exactly. Shutter Speed: 1/500 Exposure: F/11.0
Additional Rule(s): #5, Framing

Rule # 5: Framing

The main subject is the bridge, framed by the trees, the focus point is also the bridge. Shutter Speed: 1/500 Exposure F/11.0. I didn't see any other rules in this one either.

Rule # 6: Textures

The main sunject is the brick wall, focus point is the bricks close up. Shutter speed: 1/400 Exposure: F/10.0. Additional Rule(s) #2 Rule of Thirds.

Rule # 7: Avoid distracting backgrounds

Main subject is the wooden bridge, as is the focus point. Shutter Speed: 1/640 Exposure: F/13.0. No other additional rules here either.

Rule # 8: Give room on the picture for motion

Main subject is the person running, but the focus is a little off, I think father than him. Shutter speed: 1/500 Exposure: F/5.6. No other rules.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chapter Three Shooting Assignment

Depth of Field Photos

Picture #1: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Close ball.

Picture #2: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Middle Ball.

Picture #3: Aperture F/5.6, Shutter Speed 1/500, focus: Far ball.

Action/Motion Shots

Picture #1: Aperture F/4.5, Shutter Speed 1/200.

Picture #2: Aperture F/4.0, Shutter Speed 1/250.

Picture #3: Aperture F/3.8, Shutter Speed 1/320.

Picture #4: Aperture F/4.5, Shutter Speed 1/640.

Portraits and depth of field.

Picture #1: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Eyes.

Picture #2: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Nose.

Picture #3: Aperture F/8.0, shutter speed 1/250, focus: Ear.

Picture #4: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Eyes.

Picture #5: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Mouth

Picture #6: Aperture F/4.5, shutter speed 1/640, focus: Ear.

Extra photos using depth of field techniques

Aperture F/5.6, shutter speed 1/640

Friday, May 8, 2009

First Post

I will be using this site to post shooting assignments for my photography course.